Professional + Easy
We provide you with premium tools to curate and
share art with anyone, anywhere
We make the complex, simple
We’ve been building this platform with you in mind.
Seamless navigation
Visitors can confidently navigate your virtualexhibition with our simple guide on all devices.

Interactive features
Engage your audience with wall buttons for inquiries, purchases, and additional content.
Opening + closing dates
Set up public or private exhibitions, with statusoptions like Featured, Current, Past or Closed.
In every subscription
Enjoy these features - no matter your subscription type or length
Easy artwork placement
Drag-and-drop art onto walls, add frames, mattes, and choose various canvas shapes with grid-assisted accuracy.
Custom design
Place text and graphics on walls, and customisecolours throughout the gallery.
Multimedia content
Add audio, video, and layered graphics to your exhibition.
Unlimited stockroom
Store and manage your artwork collection withno upload limit.

Promote + share
Use social media tools, email invites, and embed your gallery into your website.
Visitor insights
Track analytics, and allow viewers to like,vote or inquire about their favourite pieces.