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Get lost in the Art, forget the Technology

Peter Worrall CEO Exhibbit
Gallery view on a phone held horizontally. Image courtesy of Absa Gallery

Let us focus on supporting your viewers when they visit your gallery. You don’t need to worry about their exhibition experience, because retaining optimum viewing on all the popular devices, mobile and desktop, is supported by us on a continuous basis.

Read on to see how our latest updates optimise the viewing experience of an Exhibbit gallery, for you and your visitors.

The menu layout
The layout has been refined with increased spacing between buttons, enhancing navigation precision and user interaction.

Tour and Navigation buttons update shown on a vertically held phone

Tour feature updates
The tour displays one image at a time on mobile devices, resulting in a larger image and smoother operation. The arrows have been made larger to facilitate accuracy on smaller phones in particular.

Streamlined Navigation Arrows
The arrows used for moving around are now reconfigured into a streamlined row format, appearing vertically in portrait mode and horizontally when the phone is held in landscape mode.

Robust Sharing Invitations
Visitors are directed to access the exhibition based on their arrival source and browser. Visitors arriving from Instagram’s in-app browser can directly access the exhibition from your profile link with just one click. Those arriving from shared posts on Facebook are directed to open the gallery in external browsers such as Chrome or Safari.

Help Pop up to guide new users on how to navigate the gallery

Helpful Guides for First-Time Visitors
We’ve introduced a new help pop-up guide. This feature provides quick tips on how to navigate the space, access additional information about the artworks, and utilise interactive features. It’s designed for new visitors to get the most out of their virtual gallery visit.

Enhanced Artwork Inspection
Our latest update improves the accuracy of inspecting artworks at very close range.
If you are viewing on a phone use the two finger slide to move across the artwork surface.
On desktop computers, the WASD keys give you vertical and lateral movement when you want to move slowly and see artwork detail up close.

These updates have elevated the viewing experience by improving usability and accessibility across all platforms and content.

Image of artwork up close