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Simple Curation

Peter Worrall CEO Exhibbit
Curation is as simple as dragging the artwork, graphic, text block or video onto a wall.

Curating a virtual exhibition with Exhibbit is made straightforward with our drag and drop system.

Once you upload your works, drag them directly onto the gallery wall of your choice, with a floor plan of the gallery guiding you. Whether its an artwork, graphic, text block or video – it’s the same easy action.

floor plan

Pin artworks to eyeline to automatically position works on the wall, or enable grid lines to accurately position artworks and create salon hangs, as well as other grid formats with ease.

Grid and Eyeline

With multiple options for framing your artwork, and different canvas shapes and depths to choose from, either match the look of your physical works or dream up the ideal match for colour and shape virtually.

Frame Profiles